Saturday, September 5, 2009

3 planes, 1 train, and a taxi ride later...

Well...I finally made it to Holland!!! After many preparations, including buying a raincoat and umbrella, I am all settled into my dorm room (or 'flat' as they say here) at Wageningen University. Woot!

The trip here was not too bad since I always fall asleep no matter the mode of transportation (yes...i am very fortunate to have this rare gift). My 6-hour flight from Philly to England was especially great since I sat next to a guy that I SWEAR is David Beckham's younger brother!! And this guy had the English accent and played soccer as well. Even better news...he just graduated from Eckerd College in Florida. Coincidence?

Hmm what other random information could I bore whoever reads this blog? On the international flight I watched the movie "Sunshine Cleaning". I wouldn't recommend it though. While in the England airport, I thoroughly enjoyed the Duty Free shopping that is available there (just don't tell my parents...)!

So the Amsterdam airport is nice...UNTIL you must go retrieve your luggage. I don't know if it was just my flight or if every flight must wait this long, but our luggage did not come to the baggage claim for almost 2 hours after we landed. Whaaaat!? I pretty much just wanted to abandon my suitcases, but I stayed because I really wanted to use my new is pretty awesome!

Because of the super fast luggage service in Amsterdam, I was too late to check into my flat and get the keys and such, sooo I had to go to a hotel for my first night. Scary. I have never even eaten or gone to a movie by myself...let alone stay at a hotel my myself! Well the hotel was very nice and the people were helpful in pointing out a place where I can buy a bike and dinner and such. It is weird cause now that I know my way around Wageningen, I now realize how close that hotel was to EVERYTHING! Haha when I first got there I had no idea where I was and I felt like I was eons away from the University.

Thursday, August 20th I moved into my flat and met my corridor mates and started to settle in. I am living in the room called Dijkgraaf. Yes...that is the actual spelling! It is pronounced dike-graph (or at least that is how I pronounce it haha)! I am on the first if there is a fire then I will only need to jump one floor down. That is totally do-able! My room is awesome...especially now since my mom sent me a UofI flag to hang up on my wall (Thanks mom!) I have also hung up the calendar that I made that has a collage of pictures for each month and the pictures are of all my faves...both friends and family! Love it!

The bike I bought (so I can fit in with the entire Dutch population) is brown. And only has foot breaks. It is definitely an old school bike but it does its function very well! the whole foot breaks thing though was very hard for me to grasp the entire first day. After I bought the bike I was so excited (and nervous...since I couldn't remember the last time I rode a bike). So, I am leaving the bike shop (Breet store everrrr) and I get on and start biking. And I am very proud of myself for still being upright on the bike. Then...the light turns red. Red means stop...even in Holland. Then it hit in the world am I gonna stop?! I kinda flail around a little and somehow discovered that this bike has foot breaks! need to worry. I now know how to stop my bike. People injured before reaching this realization: zero.

Yes...I am writing this blog in hindsight. But after like 3 more posts then I will be all caught up to the present! Get excited!

my flat...looks much more comfy now but I just don't have an updated picture
the view from my balcony


  1. i wish i could have witnessed this braking fiasco!! hahahaha. i can only imagine... i think youre the only person who would ever get on a bike without knowing how to stop it. :P

    keep blogging!!!!

  2. Hey Elle...Can you believe it's me writting!!! I love the blog!!! You have a great style for writting. I am very glad you figured out the brake issue...brakes are very important!!! Love you and miss you and I must read on.
    XO, DAD

  3. Well, I couldn't be left out...even thought we talked about all of this already! (except the watch!) haha
    Keep up the good work on this blog - it's awesome!!
    love you!

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